
Need a story idea with symbolism? This is the place to come! Plots, stories, and concepts related to all sorts of symbolic possibilites are waiting for you!

Your Options:
The allegorical high fantasy story where the chapters map to kinds of weather.
The dark story about medical officers where the characters map to the Seven Virtues (chastity-moderation-liberality-charity-meekness-zeal-humility).
The dark story where the characters map to the three energies of Taoist internal alchemy (Spirit-Vitality-Essence).
The dramatic story set in a world where the punishments for crime map to the five vowels in the English alphabet (a-e-i-o-u).
The epic story about communications officers where the characters map to the seven astrological planets(Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn).
The martial arts story where each martial arts style maps to the sixteen geomantic symbols.
The philosophical story where the character relationships map to the seven colors of the rainbow (ROYGBIV).
The post-apocalyptic story where the main character moods map to the four color process of printing (CMYK).
The psychological pirate story where the character evolution maps to the thirty-eight slots of a Roulette wheel.
The romantic fantasy story where the locations map to the animus and anima of Jungian psychology.
The story about colonists where the characters' births map to the four ages of Man created by Ovid (Golden-Silver-Bronze-Iron).
The story about theologians where the character evolution maps to the four letters of the Tetragrammaton.
The story about time travel technicians where the characters map to the Eight Immortals of chinese legend.
The story involving a computer system whose components map to the three components of an atom (proton-electon-neutron).
The story set in a world where the different professions map to the twelve months of a year.
The story where the constellations map to the four temperaments (sanguine-choleric-melancholic-phlegmatic).
The story where the countries map to the eighteen chapters of the Bhagavad-Gita.
The story where the oceans map to the twelve labors of Hercules.
The story where the wonders of the world map to the three primary colors (red-yellow-blue).
The story where the worlds of the afterlife map to the thirty-three degrees of Freemasonry.


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